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Locksmith : Fun Facts to Unlock Your Curiosity!

  1. Harry Houdini was a locksmith before becoming a magician
  2. The word 'locksmith' comes from the Old English words 'loc' and 'smit', which mean 'fastening' and 'to strike' respectively
  3. The Romans were the first to create pin tumbler locks with steel springs
  4. The oldest known lock was uncovered in the ruins of Nineveh, the capital of ancient Assyria.The lock dates back to 4,000 years ago and was made of large wooden bolts.
  5. Only 15 states in the US require licensing for locksmiths. Fortunately, California is one of them, and we are proud to be a fully licensed and insured locksmith company. You can trust us to provide you with quality service and security
  6. The Yale lock, one of the most common types of locks today, was invented by Linus Yale Jr. in 1861. He based his design on the ancient Egyptian pin tumbler lock, but used a flat key with serrated edges
  7. The Roman Empire is well-known for refining innovations from earlier cultures. They improved the design of the pin tumbler lock by using steel springs and iron and bronze materials
  8. The 'Ceremony of the Keys' is the traditional locking up of the Tower of London.The oldest ritual of its kind, the Ceremony of Keys occurs nightly at the Tower of London and tickets to the event are typically sold out for a year in advance
  9. Locksmiths have their own jargon, which refers to the technical terms and slang used in the industry. Some examples of locksmith jargon are: bitting, the pattern of cuts on a key; ward, a projection inside a lock that prevents the wrong key from entering; and impressioning, a technique of making a key by filing it to fit the lock
  10. The Master Lock company was founded in 1921 by Harry Soref, a former locksmith and security expert. He invented the laminated steel padlock, which was more durable and resistant to cutting than previous models

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